Tag Archives: Christmas Peace In Lapland

Christmas Peace In Lapland

The Nemesis Book 2018




“The state of nature existed for the early inhabitants of the land between the Gulf of Finland and the Bothnian Sea, and along the shore of the Lake Ladoga, freshwater lakes, moss bogs, creeks, and rivers all the way north to the White Sea. Some individual people were in tune with their inner intuitive spiritual being, living amongst the precious resources of the natural environment and the starlit night skies. We cannot even begin to imagine the interactions that a human spirit—the mind and soul— go through when its life is entirely dependent on the provisions that the natural environment provides. People that lived their lives surrounded by the natural living environment, interacting with the life that was so rich everywhere during the spring, summer and autumn season that is what shaped their spirits and personalities. God-given natural life demonstrated through the natural environment; they were the recipients of that life, and they knew it.” ……

“It was through Sweden that the Good News Gospel came to Finland after the first millennium.
The First Swedish Crusade is said to have taken place with a military expedition, around the year 1150 AD. It was the first attempt by Sweden to convert Finnish pagan cultural to Christianity. According to the legend, it was by King Eric IX of Sweden with an English bishop by the name of Henry of Uppsala, who also remained in Finland, but was killed by a pagan Finn. (Bishop of Finland)
The Second crusades from Sweden according to Eric’s Chronicle from 1320-1340, the crusade took place between Birger Jarl getting elevated to the position of jarl in 1248 and the death of King Eric XI of Sweden in 1250.
The Third Crusade was far-reaching in East Finland region Karelia. The Viborg Castle established in the Gulf of Finland Bay Viborg Karelia, and western Karelia remained under Swedish rule for over 400 years. It was an expedition focused on the pagan Karelians in 1293.” ….


“The five biggest culprits in the last 500-year history of Europe that caused the large-scale destructive wars have been Britain, France, Russia, Germany, and Sweden. Those nations were extraordinarily ambitious and hungry to win the race, in colonizing the world and beat other efforts.
Small state countries and the indigenous people usually keep to themselves and get going with the toil of life and would instead prefer to be left alone, than to be manipulated and invaded by the Imperialists. However, that is often far from reality; the large imperial nations manipulate the small ones to join the Allied forces to outdo the other imperialists, they get sucked into the Imperialists wars. Instead, (the Imperialists) they should have more genuine faith in God. And obey the Creator of life, Elohim Torah (instructions).
What is the driver of the Imperialistic ambitions to gain more power than they have a need? To exploit the ordinary people of the land. Compared to the life and teaching of Yeshua Hamashiach, the Imperialists are extremely power hungry and avaricious. Therefore, the small nations of the world should join forces and boycott the five large imperialists states and hold them accountable for their manipulative history that ratchets up tensions, conflicts, and wars. The small countries became collateral damage in the imperial conflicts.
The core problem of the Imperialists is that they do not respect the natural human rights to life, liberty, and property. The Imperialists always have agendas that preceded the natural human rights. That is the cause of wars. State of nature is a state of liberty; human beings are free and equal beings, no man-made hierarchy can take away life, liberty or property.” ……….


“Looking back at the events, the 1917 Russian revolution can be compared to the April 26, 1986, Chernobyl disaster, which was a catastrophic nuclear accident. Those people that romanticize the Russian revolution are irresponsible, and out of touch with the intelligent human purpose design. They are mostly lefties, like those in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
What is there romantic about the Chernobyl disaster, that was a catastrophic nuclear accident? People that romanticize the Chernobyl nuclear accident do not think laterally of the people who live in Nordic countries and East Europe when the radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl accident was scattered. There were Russian, Ukraine and the international spread of radioactive substances, much of it deposited in mountainous regions such as the Alps, the Welsh mountains and the Scottish Highlands, where adiabatic cooling caused radioactive rainfall.
“Approximately 100,000 km² of land was significantly contaminated with fallout, with the worst hit regions being in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. Slighter levels of contamination were detected over all of Europe except for the Iberian Peninsula”. (Wikipedia E., Chernobyl disaster, 1986)”

Read the entire Book.