Tag Archives: Christmas holiday

Christmas in Lapland 2014

Welcome to Christmas in Lapland 2014

Christmas in Lapland 2014 is well worth; considering, sharing with friends, and with professional advice and consultation, thorough planning and finally making it happen.

Destinations in Lapland.

The scope of holiday destination in Lapland are many, however, the Christmas season is a very busy season in the major busy hubs of Lapland,  so it is essential to plan ahead and to book far in advance as humanly possible.

Depending on your previous experience of the Arctic region in Lapland, if you do have been there previously and if are well prepared for the extreme cold temperatures, then that won’t limit the availability of a suitable destination.  The upside of the services provided by the Safari companies is that they provide the services, the cold weather gear, gloves, boots, and overalls as part of the excursion, once you have registered for a particular safari or an outing.  They have the cold weather experience and know how to provide suitable cold weather gear to a specific purpose.  It is not 100% fail proof. you still need to have your wits and make sure that the all the sizes of clothing and boots are correct. And make sure none of the hired clothing or boots are not wet from previous safari use. This precaution is vitally important when traveling with a family of children, adult supervision is essential.

Accommodation in Lapland.

Accommodation varies a lot, there are large hotels in the major tourism hubs, townships, and ski resorts. There are also a lot of Nordic style, privately owned log cabins that can accommodate couples,  a family or a group.  The sizes vary from 4 beds to 12 beds, from single levels to multilevel log cabins. There are also Holiday resort villages with a restaurant, sauna, recreational activities and  a bar area for beverages.  The prices do vary according to the seasonal cycle. The busier the season is, more demand there is and the prices then can go up with the demands.

Recreational activities in Lapland.
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter
  • Spring

There is always life in the nature to see and things to do in Lapland, for most visitors the Arctic region is very different to what many are familiar with.  The fauna and flora of Lapland, the  four season climate impact on the environment, does go through many rapid changes in a relatively short time. Whether it is the splash of bright colors flora during the autumn season, or the bird migration from the south during the spring season, the rain, streams and whitewater rivers, berries, and mushrooms in the summer season. They all give out a unique natural life environment experience, a difference and contrast to that which follows.  Winter is white snow fall and cold frost covered season, with only a 5-hour low blue haze light during the day (9:30-14_30). But the winter season is visually surreal and the most favored by many during the Christmas season.  The Nordic winter is from November to March. The snow cover in Lapland is normally from November to June, some variation from year to year.

Salla holiday destination. Watch this video for holiday ideas at Salla.