Entire year blank start writing your fantastic future
The Entire year blank start writing your fantastic future now, is very much a possibility if you use your cognitive mind powers as a planning tool to design your future. To some this may seem unrealistic, to others it is a no brainer. Of course one needs to use his/her noggin to plan the future very precisely, life should not be a gamble, it is a high risk gamble with time to let it go by without doing nothing about improving one’s life.
Whatever is beautiful, Whatever is meaningful, Whatever brings you happiness…
May it be yours this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year!

The right Education
Education is one way to learn how to think, to think logically, to think rationally and to think socially in larger groups. People can learn to be social in their inner social circle’s but with the education environment’s there are more challenges and more competition to compete with many more people’s perspectives and points of view. Education environment can also lift the competition much higher, resulting in having to try harder, to learn more, and to be much more effective in the communications skills. There are no easy paths to education; it is only through cognitive processes and work that learning can be achieved. New Information and new data about the world that we live in, new concepts to understand, new tools to use forgiven objective goals. Tools for work require a logical understanding, most tools use a logical process. And to understand the processes one needs to learn how to think logically.
Self-development, because the Entire year blank, start writing your fantastic future
The New Year is a fine time to think about self-development; there are many areas of a personal life that may need a review and a check up. Most often life is driven by the physical activity and physical life that includes work, rest time, recreational time and other personal devotions. Over time things do change, things in life don’t stay, therefore, all areas of life need a tune up, adjusting and sometimes re-direction and refocus. A new career may bring a big challenge to personal discipline and learning, to make most of the time available. Likewise new technologies and new work tools may seem overwhelming in the beginning of a new learning process, break down the learning down to bite size pieces, that way it can be an enjoyable, meaningful and rewarding experience.
Grocery shopping list and nutrition planning
Whether it is general health or fitness, the starting point often is the shopping grocery list, to write down and check what food items have nutritional health benefits to the consumer, and what items are purely comfort foods. Meaning that they are usually loaded with sugars, like sweets, ice cream, candy, pastries, donuts, pies, cakes, etc. The alternative is to select items that have natural sugars, e.g. fresh fruits, dried fruits like sultanas, dates, prunes, apples, pears, etc. Some of these can be expensive, but not so for sultanas, I kg of sultans are most often inexpensive.
Morality and sin
Morality and sin by choice, neglect, or default of the environment can be a very rewarding and life enriching traits to conquer and to spiritually master. Ideally, it is something learned very early in life with the support of loving parents and family. But relatively very people have such an ideal family upbringing, where they weaned out of the many moral vice’s or corruption in their personal character. It really does require a super big effort from parents to bring up their children in a way that the children grow up morally healthy and strong. Most often parents will use religion, beliefs and spirituality to guide the children to moral values and for a deep respect to general life and a healthy dose of the fear of God. To the foolish fear of God is ridiculed, and to the wise fear of God is wisdom. It develops the heart and the mind of the person to be spiritually disciplined. It is the spirit within that moves the physical being to do actions. By maintaining a spiritual balance, the mind, and the body is kept in check with the discipline of the mind and the will. Christianity does Yeshua the Christ, as the author of the Church as a fine example how to live a disciplined life. To learn about Christianity one needs to consider the life of Yeshua, and to read his philosophy in life, how important was morality and the absence of sin in his life on the earth some 2000 years ago.
Whatever is beautiful, Whatever is meaningful, Whatever brings you happiness…
May it be yours this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year!
Thank you for visiting this Christmas in Lapland website and reading up on this message of truth at the transition point of teh past and the future. It is true that the Entire year blank start writing your fantastic future. Meaning that you should be in control of your entire being, and using your cognitive mind to plan and design the kind of healthy moral life that you want to live. Ultimately that is the Good life to live. Thank you and have a Great New Years!