All posts by sam

Life with an Alcoholic May Not be Possible

Life with an Alcoholic May Not be Possible

Life with an alcoholic may not be possible, there are many people in a relationships with an alcoholic that is abusive, but they are too afraid to leave, because of the manipulative nature of the alcoholics personality.  Alcohol can make a self centered personality even more twisted and manipulative, alcoholism is said to be a disease, it is a stark contrast to how alcohol has been sold in the social events and glamorous social settings.  So where is the problem? In the bottle or in the personality of the drinker?  The problem is obvious, it can be identified, and the drinker knows it. The alcohol drinker’s solution to their problem is to use the drug of alcohol, to try and cure their personal problems, consciously or subconsciously. Resulting in a worse condition than what it was originally, because it destroys the mind of the person even more.

If you have lived with an alcoholic for years and feel despair, you may need a change. No one should live without love and happiness. Sometimes it is not possible to stay with the alcoholic because you feel alone and helpless. You need something more in your life and the person is not able to give you what you need. Everyone needs to feel love and sometimes the person that you thought was the love of your life turns out to be your worst nightmare, literally. Sometimes life with an alcoholic is not possible and you may have to leave.

Life with an alcoholic may not be possible, so be prepared to face the reality of leaving.

Sometimes, you just have to leave and try to get over him or her. This can be hard, but after the years of living the way you have been makes it a little easier. You may move out temporarily or permanently. Maybe you think that the person will change if you leave and they have to live on their own. You think that they do not need you anyways so they will probably not even care. This is the hardest feeling to live with for anyone. You may still care, but you do not believe that the person you are leaving does.

Life with an alcoholic may not be possible

You or it?

They want the alcohol more than they want you. This is hard to accept. You wonder why they would choose drinking over you. The truth hurts and you have to accept that you cannot help the person. No matter what you do, they always seem to find their way back to a bottle. You have to move on if you want a loving relationship. Then they do something that makes you feel all warm inside. They stop drinking for a while and things are wonderful until it starts again. Now, you have to start thinking about leaving all over again.

The hardest thing to do is leave someone that you love, but you have to sometimes. Even if they are wonderful for a time to keep you there with them, you still have to make a change. You have to think about yourself and make decisions that can be hard. The hardest part of living with an alcoholic is leaving them for their own good and yours. Sometimes it is hard to be strong, but you need all the courage you can find to say good-bye. You have to stand tall and have confidence in yourself, which you lost somewhere down the line.

Get a real life with a real healthy relationship.

You have to think about yourself. You cannot continue to live in fear or without a partner. You need love. You need companionship. You need to be free from the alcoholism. Even if you are not a drinker, you are affected by the drinking. Sometimes an alcoholic affects you more than the alcohol affects him or her. Even if you are not battered or abused, you are because the alcohol wins. You feel defeated by a bottle.

You lose years of being loved. However, you need to grow old with someone that can love you and cuddle you. You need someone that turns to you and not to a bottle. Living with an alcoholic is not easy and you grow tired of being the only one in the relationship that tries. The only choice you have is to leave and start new. You have to break free of the alcoholic and start a new life with someone that does not need alcohol to live. You need stability in your life for the first time in a long time.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Life with an Alcoholic May Not be Possible article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

Are you Blind to Alcoholism?

Are you Blind to Alcoholism?

Are you blind to Alcoholism? If you are, you are not alone. In fact it takes a lot of effort to keep one’s thinking straight when there is a strong influence from the close environment, they may be close friends, neighbors, work friends, or even family members.  That is another reason why ti is really  important to have friends that you can talk to that are not given to he abuse alcohol.   Also it is important not be an enabler if you happen to live with an Alcoholic.

Are you blind to Alcoholism? Then you need to get friends that live a healthy life style.

Enabling an alcoholic to drink, lie or make excuses is not the way to live with an alcoholic. You then become the enabler and make it easy for the alcoholic to drink and hide the things that they should not be doing. You are the one that helps them hide their drinking from others and this gives them complete power over you. If you make it easy for them, you are just hurting them and yourself. If you do not enable them, they have to make the choices that they do. If they are drinking and being unruly, you cannot allow it or live with it.

Do not make it easier for the alcoholic to drink. If you accept the way you live and make excuses for it, you are just going to make things worst. You cannot accept the way things are or want to live that way. You cannot change the alcoholic without them receiving help, but you can make it harder for them to drink and get away with the things that they do. You have to take control of some things, but the person with the problem must be held accountable for their actions.

If you drink, you have to use good judgment when you keep alcohol in the home. If you live with an alcoholic and even if you only drink occasionally, you should not keep alcohol in the home. For one thing, it will disappear and only supply the drinker with more alcohol. It is best to keep all alcohol out of the house. If you want a refreshing drink now and then, you might consider non-alcoholic drinks, which will not be enticing to the alcoholic. You need to police the house when you live with an alcoholic.

Reality free of drugs with facts about healthy living is the first step towards spiritual truth .

Making up stories as to why he or she is drinking does not help anyone including the drinker. If you make excuses and do not let anyone know what is happening, if something would happen, you will have a hard time getting anyone to believe you. You cannot become an enabler for many reasons, but this is a big one. If you are abused or the alcoholic would fall and hurt him or herself, you do not want to be the blame. You have to make them accountable for their own actions and not make any excuses for them.

Urging the alcoholic to have a drink when they are not drinking is not the answer. There are actually some people that do this because they know that the person will eventually pass out and the house will be peaceful. This is not the answer. If the person is not drinking, you should never encourage it. They need to dry out from time to time and this is why they are not drinking. Never offer to buy then alcohol to help them unwind or calm down. They need to learn how to this without alcohol.

Are you blind to Alcoholism because you can afford it?

Keep the monthly budget instead of giving that job to the alcoholic. If you leave the money to a drinker, chances are that you will have unpaid bills and no money for food on the table, which will make them angry. You should control the money and give them what is left over. They may not agree with this, but you have to insist that you do this to protect your finances. An alcoholic can spend more on alcohol a month then what they have to spend if you let them.

Do not turn your back on the problem. You cannot make excuses or allow the person to use you as a way to hide their problem. You must take steps to make sure that there is not a lot of extra money to drink, but that there is enough money for bills and food. If you work, you should have your own checking account so that you have money in the event the alcoholic in your life takes al of the money he made to drink.

Thank you for visiting and reading this Information on Are you Blind to Alcoholism article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends.  Thank you.

Domestic Violence When Living With an Alcoholic

Domestic Violence When Living With an Alcoholic

Domestic violence when living with an alcoholic is a serious matter, there is only one right answer to it, it must stop.

If you live with an alcoholic, you may live with domestic violence as well. Many people that drink can become violent if they get upset. This might not be the case for some, but when a person drinks, it changes how they think. The sad thing about domestic violence where an alcoholic is concerned is that they may never display this type of behavior when they are not drinking. However, even the mildest mannered person can show signs of an entirely different person when drinking. You have to walk on eggshells when you live with someone that drinks.

Domestic Violence When Living With an Alcoholic

Domestic violence when living with an alcoholic is a common problem with alcoholism .

The first time you are hit, may be the only time for a while, but you cannot let your guard down ever. The apologies and kindness that follows may be comforting. Nevertheless, what happens the next time the alcoholic gets angry? You could be the fault of this as well. Sometimes you do not even have to be the root of the anger and you will still be the one that is abused. Domestic violence that continues will mean that other steps must be taken.

Calling the police can aggravate a situation, but you have to get help. If you are abused, you have to report it. If this type of behavior continues, the person will be made to seek help. They might even spend some time in jail, but they will get the help that they need. It is better to call for help than let things escalate and endanger your safety more. Judges are very helpful when sentencing time arrives. You can even talk to the prosecutor to make sure that the person receives the help that they need through a treatment program.

Domestic violence when living with an alcoholic does need a reality check.

You need a time out away from each other. This is vital when you live with an abusive alcoholic. This means physical, mental or verbal abuse. No one should have to live with any type of abuse. If you are abused, then you need to call the police for help. The alcoholic will know that you are not going to take the abuse and the judge will know that the person needs help with his or her drinking and anger management. If you continue to let the abuse continue, you are putting your own life in danger. Just because the person is only hitting you once and a while in the back, arms or legs, does not mean that one day they will not snap and try to harm you more, or maybe even try to kill you.

Take your time and may sure that you really want him or her back home. After living with an abusive alcoholic that has gone to treatment, you still have to make sure that you can go back. If you have resentment and hatred for the person, you will not be able to live a happy life. If the person has stopped drinking, he or she may start again because of the tension in the home. You have to think long and hard before letting that person come back.

Even if an alcoholic gets help and learns to control their anger, you still may have to keep your guard up, which can lead to tension. This is not healthy for anyone including any kids in the home. You have to be sure that the abuse will not continue. You need reassurances that you might not get.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Domestic Violence When Living With an Alcoholic article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

Smile For Success

Smile For Success

Smile for success cold be a name for a job of a life time audition or a hospitality training video, the applications of a friendly smile is infinite, there is no limit to the possibilities and applications where a friendly smile can be applied neutrally and generate positive energy at the same time.

Smile For Success explained.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a smile is worth a million. The power of a smile is incredible. Even if you don’t feel like smiling, the simple act of lifting the corners of your mouth can help you lift your entire spirit and find something worth smiling about. Some of the greatest self-help advice out there comes from those who advocate “fake it until you make it.” This is especially true when it comes to positive thinking, and faking a smile goes a long way toward producing the genuine thing. You may end up laughing at yourself merely because you know you have nothing to smile about.

Smile For Success

Smile For Success and let it be contagious.

Another great thing about smiles- they’re highly contagious. A smile spreads faster than a cold in a daycare. Most people can’t help smiling back when someone casts a happy expression their way. This is a simple and exciting theory that you can test out for yourself. Go to any public place and start smiling at random people, then keep track of how many smile back (even suspicious smirking counts!). You’ll likely find that 9 out of 10 of your targets return your joyful expression to some small degree, and you’ve probably just made their day a little brighter, too.

Smile For Success

Smile For Success at the early get go

Learning to smile on demand is an important step in developing a permanently positive mindset. One good technique for summoning smiles is to choose a happy memory that never fails to fill you with good feelings. Keep this memory at the front of your mental catalog, and access it whenever you feel a case of the blues coming on. It may not solve your problems, but it will at least make you smile- which in turn helps you relax and take an objective look at your situation. Smiling often creates a mental cue for the foundation of positive thinking and helps prime the pumps of happiness.

Smile for success until it becomes a positive socially friendly habit

You should also spend a little time in front of the mirror observing your own expressions. At first this practice may seem uncomfortable or downright silly, but smiling at your own reflection has a positive effect on your psyche. You can even practice different smile variations: the amused smirk; the close-lipped leg-pulling smile; the toothy grin; the laugh-out-loud open-mouthed smile. Think of it as an Olympic event…it’s your personal Smile Marathon, and you’ll win the gold every time!

Thank you for visiting and reading this Smile For Success post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

Finding Enthusiasm

Finding Enthusiasm

Finding enthusiasm does not always come automatically, it should not be wholly dependent on the immediate emotions, enthusiasm can also be stored like water in a ground well, and when it is most needed you can fetch all the enthusiasm that you need at that moment in time.

Finding Enthusiasm
Don’t worry, be happy.

Finding Enthusiasm and philosophy of life

One of the most elemental solutions for finding enthusiasm is to focus on the benefit you will derive from completing a particular task. In some situations it’s easy to discover the benefit. For instance, you may hate wrapping presents, but you know the person you’re giving the present to will be overjoyed when presented with this lovely paper-wrapped gift, and so you derive happiness from envisioning the recipient opening the present. This is an especially useful tactic when you’re still up at 2 a.m. on Christmas morning trying to figure out how to wrap the bicycle you’ve just spent three hours putting together.

Other circumstances will not have such obvious benefits. If you were to find yourself trying to change a flat tire on the side of the road in the middle of a snowstorm (or a rainstorm, if you are fortunate enough to live in a snow-free climate) it would undoubtedly be difficult to find your silver lining. Under stressful circumstances, give yourself permission to think of the wildest benefit you can come up with. Perhaps you were on your way to a party you would rather not have gone to. In that case, your flat tire would give you the perfect excuse to turn around and go back home.

Finding Enthusiasm in difficult situations

There is some good in every situation, whether it’s in the form of a benefit or a lesson to be learned (Lesson One: Never drive with questionable tires through a snowstorm to a party you didn’t want to attend in the first place). You can harness the power of positive thinking by finding that good and exploiting it, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.

If you’re having trouble summoning enthusiasm for a particular task, try to seek out someone who enjoys doing that sort of thing and ask them to partner up with you. Like smiling, enthusiasm is contagious. If you spend some time observing another person’s enthusiasm, some of it is bound to rub off on you.

Finding Enthusiasm with the help of others

If you don’t know anyone who might be enthusiastic about what you’re trying to accomplish, try going online to look up articles or blogs (web logs, which are usually personal, regularly updated online journals) pertaining to the subject. Sometimes merely reading about someone else’s enthusiasm can help you find some aspect of the task to enjoy, and get you through it with a minimal amount of stress, anxiety and dread. (Be warned: it may be difficult to discover anyone who enjoys scrubbing toilets or emptying cat litter boxes. In these cases, you might be on your own!)

Thank you for visiting and reading this Finding Enthusiasm article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Change your mind, change your life, reveals the power and the incredible capacity of the human mind to control every part of the human being if it makes it as a value and a goal in life.

When tapping in to the power of thought and getting positive, the most important step is to create a mindset that allows you to think positively. Once you have pulled the weeds from your mental garden, you can begin to sow the seeds that will anchor your new way of life.

Change your mind, change your life
St Thomas Virgin Islands

Change your mind, change your life explained

Creating a positive mindset takes training. In much the same manner as runners train their bodies to endure long periods of sustained activity, you can train your mind to sustain positive thought, and naturally defer to pleasant or optimistic paths. At first, thinking positively may feel awkward or ridiculous (particularly if you’re the type of person who believes perky morning people should be shot). Keep in mind, though, that it does get easier the more you do it, and eventually, sustaining a positive mindset will be as natural as breathing.

Change your mind, change your life with self discipline

Like any training program, there are steps you can follow to achieve your optimal results: in this case, a positive mental outlook. You may recall that it takes 21 days to form a new habit (what’s that…you’ve forgotten already? Go back and add “long-term memory” to your list of habits you’d like to improve). Therefore, you should perform each of the steps for at least 21 consecutive days. You can take on one step at a time, or implement the whole program; just be sure you aren’t leaving anything out.

Step up to your mental treadmill, and let the training begin!

“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln

Thank you for visiting and reading this Change your mind, change your life article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

The history of candle making

The history of candle making

The history of candle making is a long one, it was a bright step forward in innovative creative thinking how to use the resources available to make a light source that consumed relatively very little energy in relation to burning wood for light.

The art of making candles has been around since primitive times. Of course, as time went by they become much different in design than what they were back then. In the early days, candles were a necessity for heat and light. Today they serve as decorations, wonderfully smelling mechanisms in our homes, and offer light for romantic dinners and baths.

The history of candle making
Candle invention was a bright idea back in hisory using natural resources and energy efficiently

The history of candle making and when it evolved to the use of wax

The first known use of candles is not completely known. The remains of clay candle holders that date back to 4 BC have given us the knowledge that they have been in use for a very long time. Those clay candle holders were found in Egypt.

Candles were also used in ancient times in both China and Japan. These candles were made of wax extracted from insects and seeds. The taper candles of India were made from the wax extracted from boiled cinnamon. Candles are not known to exist in American until 1 AD. It is believed Native American’s burned oily fish and the back of the Cerio tree. When settlers came to New England, they used similar techniques to extract wax from bayberries. Many modern candle makers still use that process to make bayberry candles. However, it is quite expensive to do so.

The history of candle making using tallow

Tallow was the product used to make candles in the 1600’s and 1700’s. This is a byproduct from animal fat. The product worked well but had a foul odor, especially when it was burning. Bees wax and paraffin wax both were introduced in the early 1800’s, and tallow stopped being used.

The dipping process for taper candles as we know it today began in 13 AD. Traveler merchants went door to door from town to town. While there, they made taper candles for individuals in their homes. Around 15 AD the idea to use molds for various types of candles was introduced in Paris. While this greatly improved the candle making process, there were still issues with getting the candles to burn properly.

The history of candle making with the use of a braided wick

In the 1800’s, candle makers felt the wick was the weakest area of the candle as well as the cause for defective burning patterns. A braided wick was developed in 1825 that seemed to greatly improve the burning of several types of candles. By 1830, a process was in place to make candles using paraffin wax and molds. These candles were of good quality and burned well.

As gas and electricity were introduced, the candle making process continued to evolve. It became much easier and faster to melt the paraffin wax. It is believed that the reason so many of the elements of candle making stayed the same, including the hand dipping process is because the popularity of candles diminished with the introduction of electricity.

Today, candle making is a well known art form. There are many companies who manufacture wonderful candles with some very unique fragrances. There are also small businesses that still make their candles by home in their kitchen. Candle making is a great hobby and fun activity for the whole family to be involved in.

The history of candle making evolved to romance and to ambiance

Candles are now used more for luxury and pleasure than for light or heat. The candle industry continues to grow with new types of candles being introduced all the time. The amount of colors, fragrances, and types of candles to choose from in the marketplace is absolutely amazing.

Candles are a very common home decorating item. They are used to accent any room in your house. They are a common centerpiece for dinner parties and formal occasions. The unity candles that are presided over at many weddings hold a deep sense of tradition in the American culture.

The art of making candles has definitely changed over time. If you are interested in trying your hand at it, choose a candle that is fairly easy to make such as the container candle or the votive. This will allow you the chance to get used to the process. There are several good candle making kits available for a low price as well as books to give you tips and assistance along the way.

Thank you for visiting and reading this The history of candle making article post.  I hope this was informative, helpful and useful.  Please share this website link with your friends, thanks.

The history of candle making books

Making hand dipped candles

Making hand dipped candles

Making hand dipped candles is a very creative way to share your candle making talent with your friends and community.  It is not expensive to get candle making supplies, and they make really great gifts especially before and beginning of the dark winter season.

Making candles is a great hobby or business endeavor. Once you get the hang of it, the process is quite simple. For those who have the basics down cold, consider experimenting with the art of making hand dipped candles. While these lovely creations take more time, they are stunning. You can use several colors on each candle giving it a unique color scheme.

Making hand dipped candles
Image from Google search Free hand dipped candle images.

There are basic tools you will need to make hand dipped candles. Most of them you already use if you have experience in making candles. You will need a large amount of paraffin wax, wick, and a double boiler to melt it in. Other utensils include wooden spoons, bowls, and a good quality thermometer. The colors available for hand dipped candles are too many to name. These colors come in various forms including cakes, chips, powder, or liquid. If you choose to add scents to your hand dipped candles you need to make sure it is pure oil that does not have a water or alcohol base to it.

Making hand dipped candles similar to regular candle making

You will prepare your wax for hand dipped candles that same as you do for regular candles. Let it continue to heat until it reaches a temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Once it does, turn the heat down very low to keep the wax in liquid form. Add the color to the wax, using a small amount at a time until your reach the color you want. Add a small amount of scent the mix at this time if you desire. Use scents moderately as you don’t want to have too powerful of a smell. Using too much fragrance can also result in the candle not burning properly.

Next, cut the wick for your candles, keeping it just a bit longer than the candle length you want. If you are making sets of the candles, it is important to cut the wicks exactly the same length. You will want to dip the wicks into the candle wax making sure to coat it properly. This is how you will “build” your candle. After the wicks cool, dip them again. Each time you do, the candle will grow in size. If you want different areas of the candles to be different colors, you will be able to do so by simply having more than one color of wax ready to use. Once your candle is close to the desired thickness you want, shave it with a soft blade, giving the top a pointed look. Dip your candles a few more times to give them a smooth finish.

Making hand dipped candles for sale

Creating hand dipped candles is a great hobby or business venture. The process is time consuming, but the creations are beautiful. Learning to make hand dipped candles can be tricky. This is not a good type of candle for beginners to try to learn with. They will quickly become frustrated. To practice without wasting supplies, melt down the wax from the candles you are building and use it over and over again until you have the process perfected.

Making hand dipped candles with detail illustration instruction books

To make particular designs on hand dipped candles, consider purchasing a book. Most will offer you great color photos with step by step directions for making each hand dipped candle. You will also be able to obtain great color charts for obtaining the best color for your candles. The internet is also a great place to get ideas for the colors of your hand dipped candles.

Hand dipped candle making books

Entire year blank start writing your fantastic future

Entire year blank start writing your fantastic future

The Entire year blank start writing your fantastic future now, is very much a possibility if you use your cognitive mind powers as a planning tool to design your future. To some this may seem unrealistic, to others it is a no brainer. Of course one needs to use his/her noggin to plan the future very precisely, life should not be a gamble, it is a high risk gamble with time to let it go by without doing nothing about improving one’s life.

Whatever is beautiful, Whatever is meaningful, Whatever brings you happiness…
May it be yours this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year!
Entire year blank start writing your fantastic future
Happy New Year 2016

The right Education

Education is one way to learn how to think, to think logically, to think rationally and to think socially in larger groups. People can learn to be social in their inner social circle’s but with the education environment’s there are more challenges and more competition to compete with many more people’s perspectives and points of view. Education environment can also lift the competition much higher, resulting in having to try harder, to learn more, and to be much more effective in the communications skills. There are no easy paths to education; it is only through cognitive processes and work that learning can be achieved. New Information and new data about the world that we live in, new concepts to understand, new tools to use forgiven objective goals. Tools for work require a logical understanding, most tools use a logical process. And to understand the processes one needs to learn how to think logically.

Self-development, because the Entire year blank, start writing your fantastic future

The New Year is a fine time to think about self-development; there are many areas of a personal life that may need a review and a check up. Most often life is driven by the physical activity and physical life that includes work, rest time, recreational time and other personal devotions. Over time things do change, things in life don’t stay, therefore, all areas of life need a tune up, adjusting and sometimes re-direction and refocus. A new career may bring a big challenge to personal discipline and learning, to make most of the time available. Likewise new technologies and new work tools may seem overwhelming in the beginning of a new learning process, break down the learning down to bite size pieces, that way it can be an enjoyable, meaningful and rewarding experience.

Grocery shopping list and nutrition planning

Whether it is general health or fitness, the starting point often is the shopping grocery list, to write down and check what food items have nutritional health benefits to the consumer, and what items are purely comfort foods. Meaning that they are usually loaded with sugars, like sweets, ice cream, candy, pastries, donuts, pies, cakes, etc. The alternative is to select items that have natural sugars, e.g. fresh fruits, dried fruits like sultanas, dates, prunes, apples, pears, etc. Some of these can be expensive, but not so for sultanas, I kg of sultans are most often inexpensive.

Morality and sin

Morality and sin by choice, neglect, or default of the environment can be a very rewarding and life enriching traits to conquer and to spiritually master. Ideally, it is something learned very early in life with the support of loving parents and family. But relatively very people have such an ideal family upbringing, where they weaned out of the many moral vice’s or corruption in their personal character. It really does require a super big effort from parents to bring up their children in a way that the children grow up morally healthy and strong. Most often parents will use religion, beliefs and spirituality to guide the children to moral values and for a deep respect to general life and a healthy dose of the fear of God. To the foolish fear of God is ridiculed, and to the wise fear of God is wisdom. It develops the heart and the mind of the person to be spiritually disciplined. It is the spirit within that moves the physical being to do actions. By maintaining a spiritual balance, the mind, and the body is kept in check with the discipline of the mind and the will. Christianity does Yeshua the Christ, as the author of the Church as a fine example how to live a disciplined life. To learn about Christianity one needs to consider the life of Yeshua, and to read his philosophy in life, how important was morality and the absence of sin in his life on the earth some 2000 years ago.

Whatever is beautiful, Whatever is meaningful, Whatever brings you happiness…
May it be yours this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year!

Thank you for visiting this Christmas in Lapland website and reading up on this  message of truth at the transition point of teh past and the future.  It is true that the Entire year blank start writing your fantastic future.  Meaning that you should be in control of your entire being, and using your cognitive mind to plan and design the kind of healthy moral life that you want to live. Ultimately that is the Good life to live.  Thank you and have a Great New Years!

Christmas day winter wonderland

Christmas day winter wonderland

The famous Winter Wonderland Christmas song was first published in 1934. The composer was Felix Bernard (1897-1944) and the lyricist was Richard B. Smith (1901-1935). Probably the most popular versions of this classic Christmas song, Winter Wonderland, were recorded to high acclaim by the Andrews Sisters and Perry Como.
Here are some verses of the lyrics:

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening, In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight, We’re happy tonight.
Walking in a winter wonderland.
Gone away is the bluebird, Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song, As we go along, Walking in a winter wonderland.
In the meadow we can build a snowman, Then pretend that he is Parson Brown…

Christmas day winter wonderland

Christmas day winter wonderland

Christmas day can be a very meaningful day,  for most people in the western world that means time spent with the family and friends. What is your Christmas day like, do you spend the time with your family and friends.

Christmas day winter wonderland

Christmas day winter wonderland without snow

Christmas day winter wonderland without snow can be a disappointing experience,  and it does happen to more people than one would imagine.  Even in countries like Finland that is traditionally known as a winter wonderland and the home of Santa in the Arctic circle, does not mean that there is always snow in the Southern parts of Finland. That was exactly what happened for Christmas 2015.  There was no snow in the South and no snow on the West coast of Finland.  Here is a short video to who what Santa got up to on the West Coast of Finland on the Christmas Day 2015.

Happy holidays

I hope your Christmas time this year was meaningful time and experience with family and friends. Thank you for visiting Christmas in Lapland website and reading articles and watching the videos. Please do share the article links and the video links with your friends as well. Thanks once again and happy holidays.