About us
Welcome to Christmas in Lapland website, my name is Vesa Leinonen and I live in Finland. I have traveled and worked in Lapland of Finland about dozen times over the 7 years. Each time enjoyed the positive natural environment of the Arctic Finland. It really is as good as you make it, meaning that with a well planned organized to small details a holiday in the Arctic Finland can be a very positive experience for the whole family. Especially during the Christmas season where hotels and resorts are very busy serving visitors and guests in all areas of their capacity.

Planning well with sufficient resources to handle all requirements during the outdoors activities of extreme north climate. Common sense and self-preservation can go a long way, you can not rely 100% on assumptions made by the tourist operators, hotels, motels or resorts. There are always blind corners, human errors, and other cause and effects that happen because of the extremely busy Christmas season. Tour operators provide outdoor clothing to handle the extreme conditions, but the hired outdoor gear get a lot of use, sometimes daily use, therefore the gear gets wet from the snow, boots, socks, mittens gloves and overalls get wet, and not always sufficient time to dry before they get used again. Beware, always have your own spare cold weather socks, mittens and gloves for back up, when the tour operators human error neglects to take care of the quality control due to a very busy holiday season. There is nothing worse than the misery caused by wet clothing and equipment during the extreme cold weather, which usually result to people getting sick from the cold.
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